Lover’s Leap is as romantic as the classic tale of Romeo and Juliet. Located in Trincomalee, Lover’s Leap can be found in the vicinity of the Koneswaram Temple. Many Trincomalee hotel providers list out Lovers Leap as a famous tourist attraction, and some hotels such as Trinco Blu by Cinnamon, even add it as part of a tour of the city! If you’re staying in the vicinity, do make it a point to visit the Koneswaram Temple and Lovers Leap.
Legend has it that Francina van Reed fell in love with a young Dutch officer and was believed to have been engaged until the time his period in the Foreign Service came to an end. Following the termination of the engagement, the young officer was set to depart to his home country from the harbour. Upon watching her beloved’ ship depart, young Francina threw herself off the cliff and died a tragic death. To commemorate her untimely and devastating death, her father, an officer of high ranks constructed a stone pillar inscribing the date April 24th 1687.
It has been known that lovers who couldn’t be together due to family restrains or other issues, have flung themselves off the rock, in the hope of being reunited together in the afterlife. However, despite the tragic stories that have come to surround Lover’s Leap, the view from the summit will simply take your breath away – without having to fling yourself off the rock.
Lovers Leap can only be accessed through the Koneswaram Temple so do bear in mind that as footwear is not permitted inside the premises of the Temple; the ideal time to visit would be in the early hours of the morning or at dusk. Also remember to dress appropriately or entry to the temple premises will not be permitted.
Catalina Forbes is a travel writer who bases her content on many thrilling escapades experienced across the world. Google+