Thailand is one country rich in deep rooted traditions. What better time to enjoy authentic culture than at a wedding function. Weddings in Thailand are largely festive and come with an array of customary rituals. While some of these customs have been lost over time, yoEntertainmentu still can get a good idea of Thai traditions in this joyous occasion.
Like many rituals, the exact depth and style varies from region to region. In Thailand, villages up country are keener on preserving old traditions and you may see some rather interesting activities preceding the wedding ceremony. Despite the presence of monks, Thai weddings are not really religious. However, it is very traditional and Thai’s believe largely on symbolism to make sure the newlyweds have a good amount of cosmic luck.
It all starts with choosing the date. Thais seek the assistance of astrologers to pick an auspicious time and date; astrologers first ensure that the stars of both partners are compatible and then go on to give that perfect date to ensure a successful union. Even invitations are passed out at an auspicious time. The right time plays a huge part in the weddings.
Elders and ancestors play an important role in the lifestyle of Thais. They give much respect to age and wisdom. On this note, the family pays visits to the graves of the ancestors of the bride’s family on the eve of the wedding; this is a rather simple but important part of the ritual. Then there is the gaining of merit; if the couple is Buddhist they usually make a donation to the temple to ensure a love filled marriage and even setting an animal free can count for gaining merit.
On the wedding day monks chant prayers to bless the couple, after which food is served and there is plenty of merry making. One can enjoy many traditional activities afterwards offering plenty of colour, glitter and fun. Do not miss the preparation of the bridal bed, quite a fascinating culture in Thai Wedding ceremonies.
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