It’s time for your special day and you have reached that stage in your planning where you are deciding on the venue. While a traditional church wedding is one option, if you and your significant other are more the outdoorsy type, and love the ocean in particular, then a wedding in the Maldives is the perfect choice. It is the ideal place to combine a couples getaway, wedding and honeymoon!
Many of the resorts in Maladies offer wedding ceremonies and while these don’t constitute as being legally binding they are nevertheless magical occasions that celebrate love. Apart from the setting, most resorts have their own wedding planners as well as feature distinctive restaurants in Maldives that can cater to your specific menu requirements. Of course decor and dining aside, what is truly special about a wedding here are the backdrops.
A beach wedding is one of the most popular options and while you can choose to have a typical western style wedding, for something truly one of a kind try a traditional ceremony. Set amidst the sight of an infinite Indian Ocean horizon, couples can walk along a path of soft sand accompanied to the beat of bodu beru drums. If you prefer an indoor setting that will easily be one of the most unique wedding venues, you can opt for such options as Subsix at PER AQUUM Niyama Maldives which offers an underwater backdrop!
Still not found that perfect setting? You can always choose a ceremony on the water be it on a luxury yacht or traditional boat known as a dhoni. Set sail into the horizon as a glorious sunset bears witness to your love; toast champagne with your life partner as the ocean breeze carries your whispers of love eternal to the star filled sky above.
Catalina Forbes is a travel writer who bases her content on many thrilling escapades experienced across the world.